Stripers and Blues 11/6/2013

It was not the best day of fishing, but not nearly the worst. We had a small window of opportunity for about an hour after sunrise where the Stripers were chewing. We landed this one fish and then proceeded to drop a monster over 35 lbs right by the boat after a long battle. After that it was all big Bluefish, which I’ll take any day of the week. Even they stopped chewing before too long and we spent the remainder of the day catching Weakfish ranging anywhere from tiny ones to nice 3 lb. keepers. We caught at least 2 dozen in about an hour and threw them all back. I really hope in a few years we start seeing big Weakfish again, it has been so long since I’ve caught them on a regular basis and it’s nice to see them again. I keep telling myself that “tomorrow is gonna be the day” when the Striper fishing busts wide open and it’s bound to pick up with the variety and quantity of bait around right now. We have Bunker, sand eels, rainfish, squid, sea herring, mackerel, you name it…………now we need the fish and the bait together! On a final note, i was very happy to see big Bluefish again as well, they disappeared the past few weeks.

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