Striped Bass arrive in real numbers! 11/13/2013

Monday was the day we’ve been waiting for for weeks, the Bass turned up in our waters in huge numbers and were blowing up on the surface on bait. Also in the mix were gigantic Bluefish. Pretty much every boat I talked to caught their legal limit in short order and left the fish biting–it was an day affair. It was so good that Cameron and his friends decided to stay an extra day (Tuesday) to do it again. Well, our intentions were good but we left at the crack of dawn and within an hour the wind ripped around out of the North and it started snowing and blowing 30 mph, creating monster seas in an instant. Dig this, in the 40 minutes we fished we caught 4 Bass before the sun even came up. I cannot wait to fish tomorrow and Friday. The Bass are here, and hopefully they stay here.

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